Porvair Sciences 的精密型 Krystal™玻璃底酶联板的上部采用聚苯乙烯材料,底部则是用生物相容性粘胶固定住硼硅酸盐玻璃。使用此专利工艺后,底部的平面度高度一致(±15 微米),透光性好,并为培养的细胞提供一个平直的光学平面。
Krystal 玻璃底板有多种形式,如 24 孔、96 孔和 384 孔,兼具了玻璃的优异光学性能、低背景、低双折射以及微孔板的多功能性。Krystal 玻璃底板经证实,在荧光检测、发光检测、闪烁计数以及使用共焦成像的高分辨率显微术方面,其表现比标准聚苯乙烯板更为卓越。
整个系列玻璃底板有两种款型:无菌型用于组织细胞培养以优化细胞成长,非无菌型用于检测研究。整个系列所有板的底部均高度透明,因此结合显微镜使用时可以轻松准确定位。Krystal 玻璃底板采用标准 SBS / ANSI 微孔板形式,因此可完全兼容自动液体处理和机械人设备。所有板均配备盖子。
Porvair Sciences, specialists in the manufacture of microplate products, serve Life Sciences, Biotechnology, R&D and Molecular Biology with microplate solutions for all applications, from sample preparation to high throughput screening via our global distributor network.
Our range includes vacuum manifolds, sealers, evaporators and microtiter plates in all popular styles; deep well and shallow well storage plates, assay plates, luciferase reporter gene plates and liquid handling reagent reservoirs. We also provide custom microplate products for life science research.
Our vacuum manifolds, essential for 96-well SPE sample preparation, are designed to work with most popular filter plates, including Waters, Millipore, Qiagen, Whatman, GE Healthcare, Varian, Biotage and, of course, Porvair.
For further information, including custom built microplates, reagent reservoirs, vacuum manifold design or microplate handling equipment,