在癌症研究发展及多种单基因或多基因疾病的研究过程中,探索未知突变起着非常重要的作用。DNA 多态性是物种的生态与进化研究非常有用的工具。应用范围包括物种鉴定、种群结构分析及遗传多样性研究等。
DCode 系统由带温度控制模块(包括微处理器控制加热)的电泳设备、一个缓冲液再循环泵、一个搅拌器及铺制特殊应用凝胶的附件组成。冷却槽及一个外部实验室冷却器可把运行温度控制在室温下。一块凝胶能在2 个小
时内运行64 个样品,并提供5-70℃ 范围内的精确温度控制。它可与下列的电泳技术配合使用来检测单碱基变化:
• 单链构象多态性(SSCP)
• 变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)
• 时间温度梯度电泳(TTGE)
• 均一变性凝胶电泳(CDGE)
为了获得最高的通量和效率,许多实验室采用多种技术。在快节奏研究环境中,不同方法间的快速切换和转换到新技术的能力是非常关键的。DCode 系统能迎合所有主要突变检测技术的需要。其灵活的功能与优点包括:
• 温度控制选择
• 模块式设计,可满足用户现在与将来的需要
• 专用的组合配件,简化启动过程
• 针对特定技术的试剂和对照物,适合DGGE、CDGE、SSCP 和TTGE 等技术
The DCode universal mutation detection system has a vertical electrophoresis cell with adaptors for different techniques for identification of single-base changes, providing a simple, efficient, and flexible system for screening and identifying polymorphisms. Use the same system for high-throughput screening for a mutation or hunting for unknowns.
The DCode system can identify single-base changes using any combination of the following electrophoretic techniques:
Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP)
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
Constant denaturing gel electrophoresis (CDGE)
Temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE)
A unique feature of the DCode system is the ability to perform TTGE. This type of analysis, codeveloped by Bio-Rad, has the advantage of not using a denaturing chemical gradient gel, as is required for DGGE and to optimize CDGE. The denaturing chemical gradient is replaced with a linear temperature gradient, eliminating the need for casting gradient gels. TTGE provides faster, simpler and increased reproducibility of detection of single-base changes.
Features of the DCode universal mutation detection system:
Run up to 64 samples in as
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