• 均使用220V电压
• 19加仑的水套系统 19-Gallon Water Jacket
• 使用专利HEPA过滤器 Patented HEPA Filter
• 利用热传导或红外线控制二氧化碳浓度
Thermal Conductivity or Infrared CO2 Control
• 数字显示相对湿度
Digital Display of Relative Humidity
• 内置二氧化碳气体校准仪配合过滤器使用
Built-in CO2 Gas Regulator and In-Line Filter
• 二氧化碳气体预热 Pre-Heated CO2 Gas
• 独立的过温保护系统
Independent Over-Temperature Protection
• 采用不锈钢架以及无缝内壁Stainless Steel Shelves and Seamless Interior
• VWR两年质保 VWR Two-Year Limited Parts and Labor Warranty
The large 19-gallon water jacket provides precise temperature control and uniformity. Microprocessor control offers sophisticated keypad operation and accurate digital display of temperature and CO2. Control is automatic after desired level is set. The user has the choice of Infrared (IR) or Thermal Conductivity (TC) CO2 control.
The new HEPA filter with patented copper housing actually kills the airborne particulates drawn through the filter system during the oxidation process. The CO2 in-line filter provides protection from unfiltered gas, which may contain harmful particulates. The built-in CO2 gas regulator allows for the hook-up of two CO2 tanks and maintains draw from the tank with the stronger flow. All models include heated outer door, tempered glass inner door, autoclavable inner door gasket and exclusive gasket guards, 2.5cm (1") through-wall access port, adjustable leveling feet, stainless steel humidity pan, and tubing connector kit.
Over/under dual-chamber models feature totally independent controls and CO2 systems. Audio and visual alarms notify user of high/low temperature, high/low CO2, and low water level in the water jacket. Sleek units feature a unique control panel drawer that slides out to provide easy access for servicing. Supplied with six mirrored stainless steel shelves and supports. Incubators feature a data communications system that includes a remote alarm contact, a parallel printer port, and an RS-232 serial port, which give the user the option of importing data to any IBM compatible printer or a computer program. The remote alarm contact allows for monitoring away from the laboratory. Caster platform (14002-384) is for use with models 2325 and 2425.
Note: Exclusive use of distilled water in these units is recommended.
Ordering Information: Available as single, stackable chambers or over/under dual chamber.
容积 Volume: 189.7 L (6.7 cu. ft.) (per chamber)
温度范围 Temperature Range: 5° above ambient to 60°C
温度控制精度Temperature Control: ±0.1°C
温度均匀性 Temperature Uniformity: ±0.1° at 37°C
温度校正 Temperature Recovery: 2 min. to 37°C
二氧化碳范围 CO2 Range: 0–20%
二氧化碳均匀性 CO2 Uniformity: ±0.25 at 5%
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