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VWR 银河系列微型离心机
英文名称:VWR Galaxy* Microcentrifuges总访问:4189
产地/品牌:美国 VWR产品类别:台式离心机
型       号:Galaxy* 最后更新:2017-9-4
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销售商: 北京诺克奥基因工程技术有限公司 查看该公司所有产品 >>
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1、 经济可靠
2、 操作简便无噪音
3、 小巧灵活
4、 能在冷室内应用
5、 两种转速型


VWR Galaxy Microcentrifuges are high performance, quality units designed to stand up to the rigors of continuous duty. They are exceptionally quiet and require very little bench space, allowing them to be used almost anywhere. Airflow patterns within the chambers of these centrifuges keep sample temperature rise to a minimum, even at maximum speed. Exceptionally fast acceleration and deceleration saves the user considerable time especially in applications requiring a large number of samples. The Galaxy microcentrifuges can be used safely in a cold room. Operation can be timed, from 1 to 30 minutes, or continuous.
Two models are available to meet a variety of applications. The Galaxy 16 has a maximum speed of 14,000rpm/16,000g making it ideal for DNA work and other applications requiring a high g-force. The Galaxy 16 features a brushless motor, which makes this microcentrifuge virtually maintenance-free. It also has a momentary button for quick spins. The Galaxy 7 is the economical choice when higher speeds are not required. The unit''s maximum speed of 10,000rpm/7,200g makes it perfect for quick spins and microfiltration.
The Galaxy 16 has a capacity of 18x1.5/2.0mL tubes while the Galaxy 7 holds 12x1.5/2.0mL tubes. Both units are supplied complete with a 45° fixed angle rotor. Adapters are available for smaller tubes. The rotors feature easy on-off lids that can be removed and replaced with one hand.

___________________________________Galaxy 16_____________Galaxy 7
最大转速Maximum Speed:____________ 14,000 rpm____________10,000 rpm
最大离心力Maximum RCF:_____________16,000 g_______________7,200 g
Deceleration from maximum speed:___12 seconds____________20 seconds
Maximum radius (for 1.5/2.0mL):____18 x 1.5/2.0 mL______ 12 x 1.5/2.0mL
时间控制 Timer:____________________1 to 30 minutes_______1 to 30 minutes
噪音 Noise level:__________________55 dB(A)______________52 dB(A)
外部尺寸 Dimensions (W x D x H):___21 x 24 x 18 cm_______21 x 24 x 18 cm
重量 Weight:_______________________6 kg__________________4 kg


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手机版:VWR 银河系列微型离心机
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