VWR BR 系列冷冻贮藏罐
Combining the convenience of box vial storage with the economy of a low nitrogen loss design, the BR Series provides the perfect solution for medium to large storage needs. Vial storage in boxes (sold separately) allows for quick and accurate inventorying and recovery of specimens. The BR-1 model can hold 25-cell cardboard or plastic boxes. The BR-2, BR-3, and BR-4 models can hold 100-cell cardboard or plastic boxes.
Sturdy five-wheel roller bases are available for safely moving full tanks. A low liquid level alarm (55709-276) helps protect against accidental warm-ups. The phase separator (55709-278) can be attached to the stainless steel transfer hose (55709-244) for increased efficiency and safety when transferring liquid nitrogen.
Ordering Information: The BR-1 and BR-4 models include 7 racks. The BR-2 and BR-3 models include 5 racks.
VWR CC系列冷冻贮藏罐
CC Series
For small to medium capacity applications, the CC Series offers traditional canister-style cryogenic storage in efficient narrow neck designs.
Sturdy five-wheel roller bases are available for safely moving full tanks. A low liquid level alarm (55709-276) helps protect against accidental warm-ups. The phase separator (55709-278) can be attached to the stainless steel transfer hose (55709-244) for increased efficiency and safety when transferring liquid nitrogen.
Ordering Information: All tanks include canisters.
VWR L系列冷冻贮藏罐
The L Series liquid dewars are designed for efficient and safe handling of liquid nitrogen. Large or small quantities of liquid nitrogen can be conveniently stored and dispensed with these dewars and accessories. Accessories for pouring, dipping, and transferring liquid nitrogen allow you to customize the dewars to your application. The phase separator (55709-278) can be attached to the stainless steel transfer hose (55709-244) for increased efficiency and safety when transferring liquid nitrogen.
北京诺克奥基因工程技术有限公司, 简称“诺克奥基因”, 是一家加拿大独资注册于北京中关村科技园区清华科技园的高新技术企业。公司专门从事生命科学专业技术的咨询服务和生命科学类产品的研发、生产及销售, 其产品广泛应用于医疗卫生、生物制药、基因治疗、太空生物工程、环境保护、快速饮用水生物检测、畜牧养殖、食品加工、生物医疗信息管理系统等领域。
研发是公司可持续发展的基础, 公司在创立之初就形成了一只以数名归国留学博士为核心的研发团队, 现在已经在病毒快速诊断技术研发上取得了突破性的进展, 如先天性心脏病基因诊断技术、子宫胫HPV基因诊断技术、早期乳腺癌基因诊断技术、血传病毒的基因快速诊断技术(包括HIV, HBV, HCV, TTV, WNV)、大肠杆菌E.coli 0157株系的基因快速诊断技术、细菌(MRSA, VRE)抗药基因的分子快速诊断技术等; 同时, 以研发成果为平台, 新产品也在不断地推向市场。
公司在生命科学实验室的建设和管理的咨询具有得天独厚的优势。公司拥有一只具有多年海外发达国家大型生命科学实验室研究和管理背景的专家队伍, 为国内从事分子生物学、基因工程, 转基因动植物, 细胞生物学、生物化学、生态学、免疫学及环保等多项学科研究实验室的建设、改造及管理提供完整的解决方案, 以为国内在这些方面的研究发展紧跟世界潮流提供必要条件。公司采用了一个具有中国特色的商务模型, 建立了一套长短目标结合的产品开发系列, 既实现了短期收入, 又为公司长远发展打下了科研基础。我们面向国内外科研机构、医院以及生物医药企业, 积极开展技术合作和服务。同时我们也将充分发挥和挖掘诺克奥自身的优势, 主动适应国内外市场和客户的需求, 探索产品定位, 开拓业务范围, 寻求最佳经营模式, 力求走一条切合诺克奥基因实际的资本增值道路。
公司以“弘扬高科、真诚务实、放眼全球”为指导思想, 以发展科技、服务社会为己任, 以成为国际一流高技术公司为目标, 愿与社会各界诚信合作, 共同进步。