Signalway Antibody LLC is located in College Park, Maryland, USA.
We are committed to providing high-quality research reagents such as antibodies, conjugated antibodies, proteins, cytokines, ELISA kits, Inhibitors and compound libraries etc. for life science companies, universities and research institutes around the world. Currently our products cover cell signal transduction, cancer, stem cell, neuroscience and other research areas.
Our products maintain the high standards in quality assurance and quality control. We promise that the product quality maintains specificity, stability and continuity from our facility to the hands of customers through continuous verification of production, testing and logistics procedures.
We have a professional team to provide technical support within 24 hours and experimental solutions within 1 week. To serve you well is our utmost commitment.
Please contact us if we can assist and encourage your research.
广州硕恒生物科技有限公司位于广州市天河区,是一家专业从事科研用品的综合型供应商。公司产品涉及生化试剂、抗体、标准品、ELISA试剂盒、细胞培养试剂、基因 检测试剂、农业残留检测试剂等众多领域,致力于为生物企业、科研院所、医疗机构提供全方位的生化试剂、生物产品服务。主要代理的品牌有:Sigma,Invitrogen (Gibco)、NEB,南京建成,Merck-millipore、R&D、Peprotech、CST、Santa Cruz 、abcam、Qiagen、GE、BD、Roche、Thermo, Wako、Whatman、CeneCopoeia、Clontech、Omega,Promega,biovision等。耗材类主要有:Brand,NUNC,Axygen、Corning。
自成立以来,始终坚持以人才为本、诚信立业的经营原则,凭借专业的技术和不断创新的精神公司发展迅速,与国内外知名企业,科研院校和多家代理商建立了良好的合作关系,是国内产品系列多,品种全,质量优的专业供应商。能够满足 各生物企业、科研院所、医疗机构的各种需求,能长期提供一站式试剂供应服务。公司立志于做广州地区最专业的科研试剂供应商。