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ProFoldin 生物试剂
英文名称:ProFoldin 生物试剂总访问:1361
产地/品牌:ProFoldin 美国产品类别:生化试剂
规       格:ProFoldin 生物试剂 最后更新:2025-2-21
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销售商: 北京毕特博生物技术有限责任公司 查看该公司所有产品 >>
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产品组名 目录号 产品名称 产品应用 / 产品规格
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC01-10 Spin-Column Protein Folding Screen Kit  Screen 10 folding conditions for each protein using spin columns
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC01 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #1)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #1
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC02 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #2)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #2
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC03 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #3)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #3
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC04 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #4)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #4
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC05 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #5)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #5
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC06 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #6)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #6
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC07 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #7)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #7
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC08 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #8)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #8
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC09 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #9)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #9
蛋白制备- 蛋白折叠 SFC10 Small-Scale Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (column #10)  preparative folding 0.5 -1 mg of a denatured protein under condition #10







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手机版:ProFoldin 生物试剂
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