Mouse mAb to Estrogen receptor
Clone AER304
lsotype Mouse IgG1
Estrogen receptor antigens purified from calf uterus were injected subcutaneously in BALB/c mice. Two more doses, emulsified with Freund''s incomplete adjuvant were injected at 15-day intervals. Two additional doses were injected intraperitoneally before the mice were killed. Spleen cells were fused with Sp2/000-Ag14 mouse myeloma cells.
The human estrogen receptor has a Mw of 67 kDa and consists of 6 functional domains (domain A-F). Functional mapping of the estrogen receptor has determined a transcriptional promoting activity in the A/B domain. The hormone- binding domain (E domain) is located towards the carboxy terminal, whereas the DNA-binding domain (C domain) is found in the central portion of the molecule. It has been speculated that the presence in breast cancer cells of truncated forms of estrogen receptor lacking the hormone-binding domain might promote the uncontrolled growth of the tumor. The mAb AER 304 is binding the human estrogen receptor at the amino terminal site (aa 120-179; B domain).
The mAb AER 304 is applicable for staining of mouse and human frozen tissue sections. It specifically stains the nuclear area of the cell.
Frozen section +
Paraffin sections
Flow cytometry
Immuno-precipitation +
Western blotting +
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