iworx MC-214 代谢分析仪是一个紧凑型,经济系统,能够测量人, 实验动物 休息和运动 的 呼吸氧耗和二氧化碳生产。 氧耗率(摄氧量)和二氧化碳生产( vco2 ) ,呼吸交换比率(汇率) ,基础代谢率( bmr ) ,有氧能力(最大摄氧量) ,以及更容易确定使用iworx labscribe2分析软件,包括在该系统。
iworx MC- 214 ,包括:
该iworx的GA - 200二氧化碳/氧气气体分析仪
sp - 304 spirometer与一个可重用的300l/min flowhead
铂- 104脉冲plethysmograph记录心率
一个可选的高容量, 1000l/min flowhead
The MC-214 Metabolic Cart from iWorx is a compact, economical system capable of measuring breath-by-breath oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in resting and exercising subjects. Rates of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratios (RER), basal metabolic rates (BMR), aerobic capacities (VO2max), and more are easily determined using the iWorx LabScribe2 analysis software included in the system. The MC-214 includes:
The iWorx GA-200 CO2 /O2 Gas Analyzer
IX/214 Data Acquisition System with LabScribe2 Software
SP-304 Spirometer with a reusable 300L/min flowhead
Mask and headgear
PT-104 Pulse Plethysmograph for recording heart rates
An optional high capacity, 1000L/min flowhead is available.
The GA-200 Gas Analyzer
The GA-200 CO2 and O2 Gas Analyzer is a high performance analyzer that is capable of measuring breath-by-breath changes in the respiratory gas concentrations because of its rapid response time of 10 milliseconds, which is an effective sampling rate of 100 samples per second. The GA-200 uses laser diode absorption technology to measure oxygen concentrations from 0-100%, and infrared detection to measure carbon dioxide concentrations from 0 to 13%.
The GA-200 has a fluorescent display for programming the unit and observing measurements, a keypad for programming the unit’s operation and calibration, and analog outputs that allow the unit to be easily connected to the IX/214 data recording unit. The unit is calibrated at the factory and is ready to take measurements immediately. Just connect the GA-200 to the recorder and the spirometer and the system is ready to record VO2 and VCO2.
The IX/214 Data Acquisition Unit
The MC-214 system includes the IX/214, which is a rugged, reliable, four-channel data recorder that is engineered to take years of classroom use and abuse. The IX/214 enclosure is constructed from extruded aluminum, with a minimum of student-accessible controls and adjustments. The IX/214 includes a dual-channel biopotential amplifier designed for use on human subjects. Two additional channels accept practically any sensor you are likely to encounter, as well as voltage output of pH meters, spectrophotometers and other laboratory devices. A fully functional built-in stimulator useful for a variety of human and animal labs is also included in the IX/214.
Key Features of the IX/214
The IX/214 carries a three-year unconditional warranty.
Stimulator is built-in to the recording unit.
Intelligent inputs adjust transducer gain automatically.
Software is upgradeable free-of-charge over the web.
Sampling speeds of 1 to 100 kHz continuous and 1 to 100 kHz snapshot.
Electronic design meets or exceeds UL safety standards for lab use and is CE certified.
The LabScribe2 Software
LabScribe 2, the recording software used with IX/214, is easily configured to record the outputs of the GA-200 gas analyzer and the SP-304 spirometer with one click of the computer’s mouse. Through the use of computed functions specifically designed for use with the MC-214, the respiratory volumes and the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide are integrated with each other to provide the VO2 and VCO2 of the subject.
System Requirements for the IX/214
The IX/214 operates on Windows or Macintosh computers via the USB bus, which provides aggregate sampling at 100 kHz continuous, more than fast enough for just about any teaching experiment. Windows computers must have at a minimum a Pentium II or Celeron level 500 MHz computer running Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista with 512 MB of memory. Macintosh computers must be running OSX 10.3 with 512 MB of memory.
Courseware for the MC-214
The MC-214 metabolic cart is provided with a collection of laboratory exercises that cover the following topics:
Breath-by-breath measurement of VCO2, VO2, and RER in resting and exercising subjects.
Breath-by-breath measurement of BMR in resting and post-exercise subjects.
Breath-by-breath measurement of VO2 max.
Measurements of VCO2, VO2, and RER using a mixing chamber.
Measurement of BMR using a mixing chamber.
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•心血管-血压,血流,心脏功能及小血管研究: 压力及线性肌动图(Myograph,USA); 光谱成像血流分析仪; 超声血流计,激光血流计, ECGenieTM是唯一的真实地非侵入性地记录神志清楚的小鼠、大鼠和荷兰猪的心电图; 无创小鼠心脏功能及血流动力学动态连续研究系统(Indus Instruments, USA); 无创小动物脉搏血氧仪MouseOx; 精确的尾套法测定血压(USA); 实验动物心脏起搏器; 动物血管封堵器OC Vascular Occluders. 美国肌细胞收缩测定与分析系统Integrated System for Myocyte and SMC Contractility Measurements;
• 神经科学: 行為分析、疼痛研究、脑切片机: 动物行为轨跡-LABORAS &及超音波分析仪-SONOTRACK系統; 新一代振动脑切片机 Compresstome (USA); 动物行为波谱测定仪Behavioral Spectrometer. VCU动物颅脑损伤仪-颅脑创伤模型制作; NYU脊髓冲击损伤仪-脊髓冲击损伤模型制作
• 呼吸研究:CWE生理及呼吸研究仪器; 小动物呼吸机&麻醉系统, CO2 及 O2分析仪, 呼吸及代谢分析系统.
•生理药理和临床教學設備: 美国IWORX产品包括生理学教学设备、网络工具、数据记录主机、信号调节器、各种(ECG、EMG、EEG、PH值及张力、位移、血压、温度等)换能器及附件。在教学方面可以提供全面的人体生理学、动物生理学及心理生理学实验用工具包。在研究方面可以应用于血液动力学、神经系统科学、离体器官和组织试验、药理学等领域。和BIOPAC、POWERLAB并称三大生理研究和教学仪器公司。
•细胞生理:激光扫描,萤光离子,机械牵拉, 電生理:膜片钳放大器, 微量测定一氧化氮NO, 多巴胺, PO2和Dissolved Oxygen , pH, ion, redox, 细胞机械牵拉仪器 STREX - Mechanical Cell Strain Instruments ; 四通道or八通道可编程超微射灌系统; 超微细胞注射泵, 可编程微针拉针器; 显微锻针磨针器
•给药/采样: Alzet 植入式胶囊渗透压泵-- 胶囊大小的滲透压泵植入实验动物皮下或腹腔内, 直接或通过导管以 µl/小时 的速度持续准确地送出測試药剂入作用部位,最長可达6个星期; PE导管(PE10, PE50 & PE60 From USA); 精确可编程序的注射器微量注射泵(USA);
•无创无线遥测: 活动量、体温、心率; VitalView-無線遙測实验动物生理及行为Telemetric Physiological & Behavioral data acquisition system; 無線遙測实验动物Temp., Activity, & Heart Rate; 无创无线遥测心电图 (ECGenie TM, USA);
•低氧研究--Hypoxic Chambers气体O2/CO2/N2自动调控系统; 细胞低氧研究的新工具-镜下温控低氧小室; 高原低氧训练MAG-10.
•显微外科手术設備: 眼科手术剪(USA). 微型手术镊 (USA), .
• 动物小肠动力学研究-Gastrointestinal Motility Monitor & 膀胱动力学研究--膀胱内压监测系统Mouse Cystometry.
•样品均质: 冷冻细胞粉碎机Frozen Cell Crusher:CRYO-P.
•肥胖,内分泌和代谢研究- EchoMRI 清醒小動物體脂肪水份分析仪.