影响因子 1-5分(含1分):奖励1支Bioworld公司的100ul的抗体 |
影响因子5-10分(含5分):奖励1500元人民币,另外奖励1支Bioworld公司的100ul抗体 |
影响因子10分以上(含10分):奖励3000元人民币,另外奖励2支Bioworld公司的100ul抗体 |
奖励由Bioworld中国总代理巴傲得生物公司执行 |
单位 |
作者团队 |
论文标题 |
所发杂志 |
IF |
奖励内容 |
北京大学 |
蒋争凡课题组 |
Activation of STAT6 by STING Is Critical for Antiviral Innate Immunity |
Cell |
32.4 |
奖学金+抗体 |
复旦大学 |
雷群英课题组 |
Acetylation Targets the M2 Isoform of Pyruvate Kinase for Degradation through Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy and Promotes Tumor Growth |
Molecular Cell |
14.6 |
奖学金+抗体 |
东方肝胆医院 |
王红阳院士组 |
p28GANK Overexpression Accelerates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Invasiveness and Metastasis via Phosphoinositol 3-Kinase/AKT/Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a Pathways |
Hepatology |
10.8 |
抗体 |
南方医大 |
抗体工程研究所 |
RN181 suppressed tumor growth of hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibition of the ERK/MAPK pathway |
Hepatology |
10.8 |
奖学金+抗体 |
清华大学 |
罗永章课题组 |
Cholesterol sequestration by nystatin enhances the uptake and activity of endostatin in endothelium via regulating distinct endocytic pathways |
Blood |
10.6 |
奖学金+抗体 |
山东大学 |
李延青课题组 |
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome |
10.6 |
奖学金+抗体 |
长海医院 |
夏照帆课题组 |
An epidermal stem cells niche microenvironment created by engineered human amniotic membrane |
Biomaterials |
7.8 |
奖学金+抗体 |
瑞金医院 |
胃癌研究室 |
IRX1 influences peritoneal spreading and metastasis via inhibiting BDKRB2-dependent neovascularization on gastric cancer |
Oncogene |
7.1 |
奖学金+抗体 |
南方医大 |
丁彦青课题组 |
HOXB7 as a Prognostic Factor and Mediator of Colorectal Cancer Progression |
6.7 |
奖学金+抗体 |
中科院纳米所 |
朱毅敏课题组 |
The toxicity evaluation of nano-trititanate with bactericidal properties in vitro |
Nanotoxicology |
5.7 |
抗体 |
广州医学院 |
蒋义国课题组 |
MicroRNA-622 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting K-Ras and enhancing the anticarcinogenic effect of Resveratrol |
Carcinogenesis |
5.4 |
奖学金+抗体 |
南京医大 |
陆巍课题组 |
Protein kinase C promotes NMDA receptor trafficking by indirectly triggering CaMKII autophosphorylation |
5.3 |
抗体 |
重庆医大 |
陈俊霞课题组 |
Small interfering RNA targeting integrin-linked kinase inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells |
4.9 |
抗体 |
中山大学 |
冯鉴强课题组 |
Hydrogen sulfide protects against chemical hypoxia-induced cytotoxicity and inflammation in HaCaT cells through inhibition of NF-κB/COX-2 pathway |
Plos One |
4.4 |
抗体 |
中山大学 |
冯鉴强课题组 |
Hydrogen Sulfide Protects against Chemical Hypoxia-Induced Injury by Inhibiting ROS-Activated ERK1/2 and p38MAPK Signaling Pathways in PC12 Cells |
Plos One |
4.4 |
抗体 |
二军医大 |
神经生物研究室 |
SHP-2 Promotes the Maturation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Through Akt and ERK1/2 Signaling In Vitro |
Plos One |
4.4 |
抗体 |
复旦大学 |
吴兴中课题组 |
MiR-223 Suppresses Cell Proliferation by Targeting IGF-1R |
PLOS one |
4.3 |
抗体 |
华南师大 |
邢达课题组 |
YAP Accelerates Aβ25-35-Induced Apoptosis through Upregulation of Bax Expression by Interaction with p73 |
Apoptosis |
4.4 |
抗体 |
协和基础所 |
张业课题组 |
The differential regulation of Gap43 gene in the neuronal differentiation of P19 cells |
3.9 |
抗体 |
中国药大 |
中药药理研究室 |
Luteolin inhibits inflammatory response and improves insulin sensitivity in the endothelium |
Biochimie |
3.8 |
抗体 |
中国药大 |
王广基课题组 |
20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2 noncompetitively inhibits P-glycoprotein in vitro and in vivo: a case for herb-drug interactions |
Drug metab dispos |
3.7 |
抗体 |
南通大学 |
姜正林课题组 |
Free-Radical Scavenger Edaravone Treatment Confers Neuroprotection Against Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats |
3.4 |
抗体 |
山东大学 |
海洋学院 |
Dihydroptychantol A, a macrocyclic bisbibenzyl derivative, induces autophagy and following apoptosis associated with p53 pathway in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells |
3.3 |
抗体 |
重庆医大 |
Reduced neurogenesis and pre-synaptic dysfunction in the olfactory bulb of a rat model of depression |
Neuroscience |
3.2 |
抗体 |
北大医学部 |
郑乐民课题组 |
Nonenzymatic glycation of HDL impairs its anti-inflammatory effects in innate immunity |
3.1 |
抗体 |
南通大学 |
姜正林课题组 |
Treatment With Ginseng Total Saponins Reduces the Secondary Brain Injury in Rat After Cortical Impact |
3.0 |
抗体 |
南方医大 |
细胞生物学系 |
Metformin stimulates osteoprotegerin and reduces RANKL expression in osteoblasts and ovariectomized rats |
J Cell Biochem |
2.9 |
抗体 |
浙江大学 |
袁晶课题组 |
Benzo(a)pyrene-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death in p53-null Hep3B cells |
2.9 |
抗体 |
南京大学 |
张伟云课题组 |
Effects of the acid polysaccharide fraction isolated from a cultivated Cordyceps sinensis on macrophages in vitro |
Cellular Immunology |
2.7 |
抗体 |
中国药大 |
中药药理研究室 |
Modified Si-Miao-San Extract inhibits inflammatory response and modulates insulin sensitivity in hepatocytes through an IKKβ/IRS-1/Akt-dependent pathway |
2.3 |
抗体 |
中山三院 |
Inhibitory effect of siRNA targeting IGF-1R on endometrial carcinoma |
2.2 |
抗体 |
重庆医大 |
谢鹏课题组 |
Increased apoptosis and different regulation of pro-apoptosis protein bax and anti-apoptosis protein bcl-2 in the olfactory bulb of a rat model of depression |
Neuroscience Letters |
2.1 |
抗体 |
重庆医大 |
Knockdown of ribonuclease inhibitor expression with siRNA in non-invasive bladder cancer cell line BIU-87 promotes growth and metastasis potentials |
Mol Cell Biochem |
1.9 |
抗体 |
中山大学 |
Oxidative Stress Mediates Chemical Hypoxia-induced Injury and Inflammation by Activating NF-κb–COX-2 Pathway in HaCaT Cells |
Molecules and Cells |
1.9 |
抗体 |