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PeproTech 2017年1月推出GMP级别细胞因子

浏览次数:8457 发布日期:2017-1-10  来源:本站 本站原创,转载请注明出处



类别 名称 货号 规格 价格/RMB
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 2ug ¥1,190
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 10ug ¥2,700
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 50ug ¥10,050
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 100ug ¥16,750
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 250ug ¥29,320
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 500ug ¥50,270
细胞因子 Murine IL-22 AF-210-22 1000ug ¥83,790
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human FGF-basic GMP100-18B 25ug ¥4,284
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human FGF-basic GMP100-18B 100ug ¥12,850
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human IL-3 GMP200-03 50ug ¥13,830
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human IL-3 GMP200-03 100ug ¥25,880
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human IL-6 GMP200-06 10ug ¥5,170
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human IL-6 GMP200-06 100ug ¥25,880
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human SCF GMP300-07 50ug ¥13,830
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human SCF GMP300-07 100ug ¥25,880
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human Flt3-Ligand GMP300-19 50ug ¥15,530
细胞因子 PeproGMP® Human Flt3-Ligand GMP300-19 100ug ¥25,880
Elisa试剂盒 Murine G-CSF Mini ABTS EDK 900-M103 200tests ¥1,260

1. 重组小鼠IL-22(Animal Free)

产品描述:IL-22 is a member of the IL-10 family of regulatory cytokines, which includes IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, IL-24 and IL-26. Members of this family share partial homology in their amino acid sequences, but they are dissimilar in their biological functions. Produced by T lymphocytes, IL-22 inhibits IL-4 production by Th2 cells, and induces acute phase reactants in the liver and pancreas. IL-22 signals through a receptor system consisting of IL-10Rβ/CRF2-4 and IL-22R, both of which are members ofthe class II cytokine-receptor family. Recombinant Murine IL-22 is a 33.4 kDa, non-disulfide-linked, homodimeric protein consisting of two 147 amino acid polypeptide chains.Manufactured using all Animal-Free reagents.



Murine G-CSF Mini ABTS ELISA Development Kit contains the key components required for the quantitative measurement of natural and/or recombinant murine G-CSF in a sandwich ELISA format. Using the ELISA protocol, the recommended microplates, reagents and solutions, the components supplied in this kit are sufficient to assay murine G-CSF in approximately 200 ELISA plate wells.



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