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  • 2301 Isolation and culture of smooth muscle cell 2017-3-16
    1.Male Wistar rats of about 250g body wt were anesthetized with ether and were decapitated. 2.Kidneys and thoracic aorta were removed, rinsed with sterile ice-cold phosphate-buffer

  • 3159 Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells 2012-5-23
    Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells1.Explants of the 2 groups of skins (control subjects and patients with varicose veins) were prepared according to the method described f

  • 2990 Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells 2012-5-8
    Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells Human prostate tissues1.Human hyperplastic prostates were obtained during surgery from four men through transurethral resection of

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