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  • 3161 Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells 2012-5-23
    Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells1.Explants of the 2 groups of skins (control subjects and patients with varicose veins) were prepared according to the method described f

  • 2990 Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells 2012-5-8
    Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells Human prostate tissues1.Human hyperplastic prostates were obtained during surgery from four men through transurethral resection of

  • 2723 Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells 2012-4-19
    Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells1.A piece of gastric mucosa (∼3 cm2) was obtained from the normal appearing mucosa of the stomach at surgery. 2.The

  • 1715 Isolation of papillary cells 2012-3-26
    Isolation of papillary cellsIsolation of renal papillary cells1.For isolation of papillary cells, kidneys were harvested and kept in HBSS containing 15 mM HEPES, penicillin/strept

  • 1887 Isolation of lymphatic endothelial cells 2012-3-12
    Dermal Cell Suspensions1.Dermatomed 0.8-mm split-thickness skin was obtained from adult healthy individuals undergoing elective surgery. 2.Dermal sheets were prepared by incubatio

  • 5537 Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) 2012-1-16
    Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) 1.Acid-citrate dextrose-treated blood (450 ml) was obtained from donors. 2.PBMC were isolated by centrifugation over lymphoc

  • 3119 Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial (AE) cells 2011-12-24
    Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial (AE) cells Isolation of AE Cells1.Human placentae were obtained with the approval of the institutional review board, after uncompli

  • 2186 Placental trophoblast and chorionic cell cultures 2011-12-16
    Placental trophoblast and chorionic cell cultures 1.Placental trophoblast and chorionic trophoblast cells were prepared using a modification of the method. 2.Term human placentae a

  • 3815 Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells 2011-12-12
    Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells1.Surface epithelial cells from normal ovaries from surgical residual specimen were isolated using standard and Institut

  • 5142 干细胞3D scaffold培养技术的优势、特色及应用范围 2011-12-5
    3D培养的优势: 2D细胞培养时,细胞几乎百分之五十是贴平于培养皿,而另外百分之五十是浸泡在溶液中,最为重要的细胞与细胞间接触却相当的少,使得细胞的生长形态与真实情况差距甚远,易造成不

  • 1541 Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells 2011-11-25
    Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells1.A small piece of tissue from each specimen was removed and minced. 2.The tissue was digested with collagenase overnight. 3.To remove

  • 3199 Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue 2011-9-30
    Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue Stromal stem cells proliferate in vitro and may be differentiated along several lineages. The scarcity of stromal ste

  • 3283 Isolation and cultivation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) 2011-9-30
    Isolation and cultivation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) Circulating bone marrow (BM)–derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are recruited to the site of tissue rege

  • 1718 Isolation of dermal mast cell (DMC) 2011-9-22
    Isolation of dermal mast cell (DMC) 1.Human DMC were isolated from skin by enzymatic digestion.2.Dermal tissue was obtained from patients with skin after informed consent was give

  • 9147 Isolation of retinal pigment epithelial cell 2011-9-16
    Isolation of retinal pigment epithelial cell The pigmented layer of retina or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is the pigmented cell layer just outside the neurosensory retina that

  • 2376 Trabecular cell monolayer culture 2011-9-2
    Trabecular cell monolayer cultureOriginally described in 1979 and more recently modified by Stamer et al primary trabecular monolayer cell culture has been a cornerstone for inves

  • 2252 Isolation of rodent pancreatic β cells 2011-8-1
    Isolation of rodent pancreatic β cells 1.Adult rats weighing 250-350g were anesthetized, sacrificed and immediately used for pancreas sampling.2.Rat islets were isolated from mal

  • 2269 Culture of human renal proximal tubule cells and renal cortical fibroblasts 2011-7-11
    Culture of human renal proximal tubule cells and renal cortical fibroblasts 1.The method for primary culture of human renal proximal tubule cells (PTC) and renal cortical fibrobla

  • 2053 Isolation of human colonic epithelial cells (EC) 2011-6-21
    Isolation of human colonic epithelial cells (EC)1.Human colonic epithelial cells (EC) were isolated from freshly resected colonic surgical specimens obtained. 2.All diagnoses were

  • 2208 Primary brain cell isolation and culture 2011-6-13
    Primary brain cell isolation and culture. 1.Cerebella were removed from 7-day-old mice and passed through Nitex nylon netting (80 μm pore size) into primary cell system containin

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