6609 次Affymetrix水稻芯片在水稻强弱势颖花异步灌浆分子机制研究中的应用 2011-10-20
Guohui Zhu, Nenghui Ye, Jianchang Yang, Xinxiang Peng, and Jianhua Zhang Regulation of expression of starch synthesis genes by ethylene and ABA in relation to the development of ri
2471 次Med64关于胰岛素对幼鼠海马LTP表达的研究 2011-7-11
Permissive role of insulin in the expression of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus of immature rats 胰岛素对幼鼠海马长时程增强(LTP)表达的促进作用Prof Yung WH/CUHK 香港中文大